Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.
--Matthew 8:34
According to the helpful little notes at the bottom of my Bible, it says that the people of this region, Gadarenes, were more likely concerned with the financial loss of having Jesus around, then they were about all that they could gain with Jesus around.
And this has me thinking...what have I said 'No' to lately? Have I missed out on something because of my negative response? On the flip side, what have I said 'Yes' to and how has my life changed because of it?
Four weeks ago, I got married. (Yay!!!) Standing at the beginning of the aisle with my dad he asked me, "Are you ready to do this?" I had never considered not marrying the man at the end of the aisle, but I realized in that moment that if I wanted to change my mind, this was my chance. After all, I already knew what to expect and how to handle the life of a single 30-something woman. I had the routine down pat. But is that what I really wanted? Was I ready to trade in that comfortable familiarity for a brand new life? A life where new routines and habits would have to be established; a life that would have to be shared, on all levels; a life that would surely bring out uncertainties? Even though I had all these unknowns pounding on my heart's door, I knew, without a doubt, that this new life would allow me to partner with my best friend. He is man who is a friend of God; who is honorable; who is strong in so many ways. Having confidence in these qualities allowed me to turn to my dad and say, 'Yes!' and begin our walk down the aisle to my future.
Here's a picture of that moment:
The people of Gadarenes were short sighted. They could only focus on what they had to lose. Pastor Cal recently shared a golden nugget of truth: "If you focus on what you stand to lose, you forfeit what you stand to gain."
As believers, you and I are challenged, on a daily basis, to make a choice. Luke 9:23 says that we must pick up our crosses daily. Choose now to move forward, down the aisle, if you will, towards a life that will draw you closer to your Savior. After all, what do you have to lose?
Heavenly Father, I first ask for your forgiveness for the times that I have told you, 'No'. I realize now that I have missed out on tremendous opportunities to experience you in exciting ways. I ask you now that You open my eyes to what you have in store for me today. Fill me with peace and contentment as I walk after you, following your footsteps into places that you have already been before me. No place is uncharted territory for you. Build my faith upon that.
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